Spotting Fake iPhones - 10 Easy Ways

Spotting Fake iPhones - 10 Easy Ways

Spotting Fake iPhones can be easy when you know how to identify the indicative signs. By closely examining its physical attributes and scanning any software irregularities, one can effortlessly identify a fake iPhone. From the packaging and Apple logo to the charging port and camera structure, the disparities between authentic and fake iPhones have become readily noticeable.

With the increasing popularity of iPhones, there has been a rise in the number of counterfeit iPhones on the market. These fake iPhones are often made to look very similar to the real thing. However, there are key indicators that can help you in iPhone check and spot these fake devices.

In this article, we will guide you through the signifying signs that can help you distinguish an authentic iPhone from a model. 

10 Easy Ways to Spot A Fake iPhone


Part 1: Physical Characteristics

1. Packaging

Spotting Fake iPhones is quite simple by observing their packaging and other noticeable features. Genuine iPhone packaging is typically tidy and compact, unlike the cheaper materials often used for counterfeit versions. Even if the packaging appears decent, a closer look will reveal unfamiliar foreign writings, which indicate a fake.

Another key giveaway is the absence of the Apple logo on the box. Moreover, if the colors on the box do not match those of a genuine iPhone, it strongly indicates that you're dealing with a counterfeit device.

2 Apple Logo

Apple takes pride in its products, and that's why it puts its logo on everything they make, including iPhones. But the makers of fake iPhones are getting better at copying that logo. To tell if your iPhone is real or fake, try these simple tricks.

First, hold your phone up to a bright light. If the logo looks shiny, like a mirror, it's probably a fake iPhone.

Next, run your hand over the logo and feel the texture. If it feels different from the rest of the phone, it's likely a fake.

Lastly, if the logo seems to be sunken or not at the same level as the surface of the phone, it's a clear sign that you have a fake iPhone.

3. Camera Build

Authentic iPhone cameras have a unique and easily recognizable design, even from a distance. Despite attempts by deceitful phone manufacturers to imitate them, their efforts often fall short. Therefore, a simple examination of the camera build can help you determine if your phone is a counterfeit. One noticeable difference is that fake phones tend to have a shorter height than genuine ones.

If your iPhone has successfully passed all the previous tests and you are still determining its authenticity, it's advisable to power on the device.

4. Button Placement

Sometimes, knock-off iPhones can be so well-made that it's hard to spot the difference between real and fake ones. However, there's a simple trick you can try. Feel around your phone and check if the buttons are in the right place.

For example, the sleep/wake button is usually located in the top right corner of an iPhone. If you find it in the top left corner instead, then you can be sure that the iPhone is fake. It's an easy way to tell if you have a genuine or counterfeit iPhone.

5. Charging Port

It's worth noting that many fake iPhone manufacturers have become clever in replicating authentic charging ports. However, there is still a way to distinguish a genuine iPhone from a fake one by examining the border surrounding the port.

Fake devices often feature a plastic border or merely an engraved line, attempting to imitate the design of Apple's genuine iPhones. This subtle difference in styling can be a helpful indicator when determining the authenticity of an iPhone.

Part 2: Software Anomalies

6. IMEI number

When purchasing an iPhone, it is crucial to consider the IMEI number and use an iPhone IMEI checker to ensure authenticity. To ensure the device's authenticity, it is recommended to check the IMEI number. The IMEI number can be found on the product's box.

To verify the legitimacy of the iPhone, visit Apple's official website at On the website, locate the option labeled 'IMEI number' and enter the number printed on the phone box. If you do not find any details associated with the provided IMEI number, it strongly indicates that the phone is fake.

7. Apple App Store

It is widely recognized that Apple operates its own iPhone Store, which exclusively hosts their official apps as well as approved third-party applications. A significant indication of an inauthentic iPhone is when you encounter difficulties opening the Apple Store icon.

If you tap on the Apple Store icon and it fails to launch or open as expected, this should raise serious doubts about the genuineness of your phone. This is an important observation to consider when determining the authenticity of an iPhone device.

8. Camera App

In addition to Apple iPhone cameras being renowned for their exceptional quality, the accompanying camera app offers many tools to enhance your photography experience. When you open the camera app on a genuine iPhone, the resulting image captured through the lenses should appear clear and sharp. However, knock-off iPhones often produce noticeably blurry images and lack clarity.

This disparity in image quality serves as a notable distinction between genuine iPhones and counterfeit ones.

9. iTunes

To check this, you must connect your iPhone to a computer.

Apple utilizes iTunes as a means for device users to connect their iPhones to the cloud, enabling data backup and restoration. It also facilitates access to the phone's storage through a computer.

Genuine iPhones typically have no trouble connecting to iTunes unless there is an issue with Apple's servers (which is rare) or a poor WiFi connection. Conversely, as they operate on Android instead of Apple's official iOS operating system, fake Apple devices will not be recognized by iTunes at all.

By attempting to connect your iPhone to iTunes, you can discern the authenticity of the device.

10. Face ID

Apple was among the pioneers in incorporating facial recognition technology into their devices. While Face ID is optional, it should function appropriately on genuine iPhones. However, most counterfeit iPhones often lack a functional or legitimate Face ID setting, making it easy to identify them.

To verify if your phone has a working Face ID feature, follow these steps:

  1. Open the Settings app.
  2. Scroll down and locate the Security section.
  3. Attempt to select the Face ID setting.

By going through these settings and attempting to enable Face ID, you can quickly determine if your iPhone has a genuine and operational facial recognition feature.

Conclusion [ Spotting Fake iPhones ]

Spotting fake iPhones requires attention to packaging, logo, button placement, charging port, camera build, software features like Face ID, and connecting to iTunes. Following these checks, you can confidently identify genuine Apple devices and avoid counterfeits.

Prioritize authenticity and reliability when purchasing an iPhone to ensure a better user experience and protect your investment. Stay informed, stay aware, and enjoy the genuine Apple experience!