14 iPhone Photography Tips to Capture Stunning Shots

14 iPhone Photography Tips to Capture Stunning Shots

Mastering iPhone photography doesn't have to be a daunting task that takes years of practice. You can capture incredible photos with a few simple tips with your iPhone. In this article, we will explore ten quick and easy techniques that will help you elevate your iPhone photography skills. Get ready to take better iPhone photos starting right now!

Composition tips for iPhone photography

Composition plays a vital role in creating visually compelling iPhone photos. Mastering a few tips to enhance your composition skills can significantly elevate the quality of your iPhone picture. Here are some valuable techniques to improve your composition:

1. Change Your Perspective

Taking photos from the same position as your eye level can result in ordinary and uninteresting images. To enhance your photography game, try shooting from unconventional angles.

Capture your subject from high or low angles to add a unique and captivating perspective to your photos. This technique works exceptionally well for iPhone product photography when you have a subject that is too large to fit in the frame from a close distance.

2. Focus on Details in Close-up Shots

Photography is all about presenting the world in a fresh and distinctive way. Take advantage of the iPhone's capabilities by shooting close-up shots of everyday objects. This approach reveals exciting colors, textures, and patterns that often go unnoticed from a distance.

By focusing on the finer details, you can create visually engaging and thought-provoking images.

3. Utilize the Rule of Thirds with Grid Lines

The rule of thirds is a fundamental principle in photography composition. It involves dividing the image frame into a three-by-three grid. By aligning your main subjects along these grid lines, you can achieve a more balanced and visually appealing composition.

Activate the grid lines on your iPhone camera settings to help you frame your shots according to the rule of thirds.

4. Incorporate Leading Lines

Incorporating long, straight lines in your photos is a visual guide for viewers, leading their eyes through the image. These lines, aptly called leading lines, divide your photo into distinct sections, adding interest and depth.

Experiment with capturing images that feature leading lines that start from the edge of the frame and lead toward the main subject, enhancing the sense of depth in your photos.

5. Create Depth in Your Composition

While photography is traditionally a two-dimensional medium, you can create the illusion of depth in your iPhone photos. As mentioned earlier, one way to achieve this is by using leading lines.

Additionally, you can emphasize depth by juxtaposing a close-up subject against an out-of-focus background. This technique draws attention to the issue while creating a sense of depth in the overall composition. Alternatively, you can frame the main subject behind a slightly out-of-focus object in the foreground, adding layers to your photo and enhancing its visual appeal.

6. Embrace Symmetry with a Twist

Symmetry can be visually pleasing, but too much of it can make an image appear predictable and uninteresting. To strike a balance, incorporate unequal elements on opposite sides of the frame. This technique adds a sense of organization and visual contrast to your photos.

Leading lines can also be used to connect different elements within the frame, creating a cohesive and captivating composition.

7. Keep It Simple

Considering that most people view iPhone photos on small mobile screens, it's essential to keep your compositions simple and uncluttered. While complex compositions might look impressive when displayed on large prints, they can appear busy and confusing on mobile devices.

Focus on a few key elements that convey your intended message or story, making it easier for viewers to understand and appreciate your photos, even on small screens.

8. Choose the Right Orientation for Your Subject

Portrait orientation, where the frame is taller than it is wide, is ideal for capturing single subjects, such as portraits. It helps maintain the viewer's focus on the subject, making it suitable for portrait photography and fashion shoots.

On the other hand, with a wider aspect ratio, landscape orientation works best for capturing larger subjects like landscapes. It provides more space horizontally, allowing you to compose your shot with multiple visual elements.

When choosing between horizontal and vertical orientations, consider the platform or medium where your photo will be displayed. Different social media platforms have specific requirements and preferences for image orientations. 

9. Utilize Portrait Mode for Striking Portraits

In iPhone photography, the term "portrait" has a dual meaning. It refers to the orientation of the frame, as discussed earlier. Additionally, portrait mode is a feature available in the iPhone camera app that enhances portrait photography.

By selecting portrait mode, you can add a beautiful depth-of-field effect that blurs the background, making your subjects stand out even more. Locate the portrait mode setting next to the photo mode option, just above the shutter button, and give your portraits a stunning and professional touch.

10. Set the Stage for Your Shot

The subject you photograph will dictate the elements you have direct control over. To ensure optimal lighting and composition, don't hesitate to stage your shot. For smaller or movable subjects, feel free to rearrange objects and adjust the lighting to achieve the desired effect.

Even with more significant subjects, explore different angles and perspectives by moving around the scene. Changing your viewpoint can drastically alter the composition, even if the elements within the scene remain stationary.

Technical Tips for iPhone Photography

Taking great iPhone photos goes beyond composition. Understanding the technical aspects of photography can significantly enhance your images. Here are some technical tips to improve your iPhone photography:

11. Use the Camera Timer for Steady Shots

To avoid camera shaking and capture steady shots, utilize the camera timer function on your iPhone. This is particularly helpful when photographing stationary subjects. By activating the timer, you can keep both hands steady on the camera while the shutter opens.

Additionally, you can use the volume buttons on the side of your iPhone to take photos, providing more stability when photographing dynamic subjects.

12. Utilize Soft Lighting

Quality lighting plays a crucial role in photography. Soft lighting, characterized by its gentle and diffused nature, is often more flattering to subjects. When shooting indoors, look for areas with diffused light, such as spaces away from direct light sources.

Avoid placing your subject too close to intense light. When shooting outdoors, try to avoid the harsh midday sunlight. Instead, opt for softer lighting conditions, such as during the golden hour (shortly after sunrise or before sunset). Remember to turn off your iPhone's flash, which produces harsh and unflattering light.

13. Harness the Power of HDR

HDR (high-dynamic range) is a feature that combines multiple shots taken simultaneously to create a composite image with enhanced detail. Utilize HDR mode when capturing scenes with a wide range of light levels. This helps ensure that both dark and bright areas retain their detail and avoid being overexposed.

You can enable HDR mode by tapping the HDR icon in the iPhone camera app. It can be set to On, Off, or Automatic, depending on your preference.

14. Avoid Overexposure

Proper exposure is crucial for capturing well-balanced and visually appealing images. It's generally better to slightly underexpose a photo than to overexpose it. Overexposed images with excessive light are challenging to salvage during post-processing.

To prevent overexposure, tap on the brightest part of the image on your iPhone screen. This adjusts the camera's exposure settings and helps maintain details in the highlights.


Following these 14 simple techniques can enhance your iPhone photography skills and capture remarkable images. Remember to experiment, practice, and develop your unique style. With the power of your iPhone and these tips in hand, you'll be well on your way to creating stunning photographs that stand out from the crowd.

Start applying these techniques today and unlock the true potential of your iPhone camera. Happy shooting!